Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Week 11 Blog

   The three most important principles for education, in my opinion are: 1) Practicing principle, the students get more interesting hands on learning so that the information really sinks in and helps them grasp the information.  the second is the discovery principle where the student thinks out the process on their own and figures out how they need to solve the problem.  This helps the student learn the problem solving skills that they will need in the future.  The third principle that I think id the most important of the three is the committed learning principle. This is a longer periods of time where the student has to commit to learning the subject and associating them with things that actually happen in the real world.  All three of these principles I think would help a student to better understand the lesson and grasp the material. 
     Simulations are very useful when teaching a complex lesson, they can help the student to actually understand what is going on.  I think in my Ag class I will use a lot of simulation to help my students grasp the lesson.  When we are welding, woodworking, wiring, or even just learning the parts of an animal I know that it will be key for me to apply ample hands-on experience. Almost everything in my classroom will have a simulation associated with it.
     These three principles go hand and hand with simulations.  They allow the student to actually grasp the lesson and subject at hand in a way that they can understand themselves.  Without using simulations it would be hard for the student to gather information and truly remember and learn the information.  School would be a much harder place for children if we did not use these principles and simulations and we would just be setting our kids up for failure. 

Jonasse D., Howland J., Marra R. M., & Crismond D. (2008). Meaningful Learning with Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ: Pearson Prentice Hall.


  1. I agree with the three principles you chose. Also, simulations for youre ag class are a great idea. There are definitely a lot of hands-on activities!

    Britanie Talley

  2. I also agree with the principles you chose they really give students a chance to get hands on and learn the material.

  3. As a fellow Ag major, I agree with your choice of the Discovery Principle. This is how I have always learned best, and I think it helps students to really understand how things work and why...

  4. I agree with your principles you chose, but also I think it is important for students to critically and actively think. It's important they are involved in the lessons and ask good thoughtful questions.

  5. hey man i like how ur going to use the stimulations wiith your ag class i also like your principles those principles along with your stimulation will make your students be exicted to come to your class
