Friday, October 8, 2010

Week 6 blog

     PDAs are personal digital assistants, or small handheld computers.  PDAs are becoming more and more available in the classroom and are a very useful way to help students get that hands-on experience needed to help them learn.  PDAs are very effective in helping calculations, emails internet access and many more useful features.  I have used these in many of my classes in high school.  One that I remember very well is the calculators that hook up to the promethean boards.  Everyone in the classroom would get a calculator and then we could see on the board what we were putting in our calculators. 

     We use online surveys to help us figure out data and reasons forwhy you may or may not like something.  I believe that using them in the classroom is a very effective way to make sure your students are very engaged and have paid attention to the task at hand.  On the other hand I don’t believe we should take what the students say to heart every time because kids are not always rational in their reasoning’s behind something.  I believe the two main rules should be not to ask the same questions over and over because they might not take it seriously, and to make sure the questions are simple and easy to understand.  Both of these help to avoid misinterpretation and make the questions seem more serious. 

     I think that teachers are taking way to much initiative in thinking about what their students want to know instead of focusing on what they need to know.  Technology is a great thing in the classroom and using online surveys and PDAs are very good ideas but I still believe we are focusing way to much on the technology usage and not enough what is actually being taught. 

Jonassen, D. Howland, J. Marra, R. M. Crismond, D. (2008). Maeningful Learning With Technology. Upper Saddle River, NJ. Merrill Prentice Hillon

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